Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

Estelle Brettenny’s Recommendations:

  1. Cubukcu, F. (2009). Learner autonomy, self-regulation and metacognition. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2(1), 53 – 64. Retrieved from
  2. Effeney, G., Carroll. A. & Bahr. N. (2013). Self-Regulated Learning: Key strategies and their sources in a sample of adolescent males. Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology. 13, 58 – 74. Retrieved from
  3. Nilson, L.B., (2014). The Secret of Self-Regulated Learning.Faculty Focus, Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications. Retrieved from
  4. Notthingham, J. (2016). Challenging Learning (2nded).  London and New York, NY: Routledge.
  5. Rajabi, S. (2012). Towards self-regulated learning in school curriculum. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, 344 – 350. Retrieved from
  6. Zimmerman, B. J. (1990). Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: An Overview. Educational Psychologist, 25(1), 3 – 17. Retrieved from
  7. Zimmerman, B. J. (2002). Becoming a Self-Regulated Learner: An Overview. Theory Into Practice. 41(2), 64 – 70.  Retrieved from
  8. Guidance Report on Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning. (2018). Retrieved from

Computational Thinking

Dr Magda Kloppers’ Recommendations

  1. Weber, K. 2016. Promotes Problem solving & Computational Thinking. 3 October. Getting Smart. [Online]. [12 July 2019]. Available from:

Academic Language

Elsefie Wranz’s Recommendations

  1. Berman, R.A. 2009. Developing linguistic knowledge and language use across adolescence. In Hoff, E. & Schatz, M. (Eds). Blackwell handbook of language development.Oxford: Blackwell, 347-367.
  2. Bunch, G.C. 2013. Pedagogical language knowledge: Preparing main stream teachers for English learners in the new standards era. Review of Research in Education, 37, 298-341.
  3. Cummins, J. 1984. Wanted: a theoretical framework for relating language proficiency to academic achievement among bilingual students. In Riviera, C. (Ed.). Language proficiency and academic achievement. Cleveland, UK; Multilingual Matters, 10.
  4. Cummins, J. & Yee-Fun, E. 2007. Academic language. In Cummins, J. & Davison, C. (Eds). International handbook of English language teaching. New York: Springer, 797-810.
  5. Cummins, J. 2014. Beyond language: Academic communication and student success. Linguistics and Education, 26, 145-154.
  6. Dockrell, J. & Messer, D. 2004. Lexical acquisition in the early school years in Berman, R.A. (Ed.). Language development across childhood and adolescence. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 35-52.
  7. Scheele, A. F., Leseman, P. P. M., Mayo, A. Y., & Elbers, E. 2012. The relation of home language and literacy to three-year-old children’s emergent academic language in narrative and instruction genres. The Elementary School Journal,112, 419-444.
  8. Schleppergrell, M. J. 2001. Linguistic features of the language of schooling. Linguistic and Education. 12, 431-459.
  9. Stables, A. 2003. Learning, identity and classroom dialogue. Journal of Educational Enquiry, 4(1), 1-18.
  10. van Kleeck, A. 2014. Distinguishing between casual talk and academic talk beginning in the preschool years: an important consideration for speech-language pathologists. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23, 724-741.
  11. Westby, C. E. 1985. Learning to talk – Talking to learn: Oral-literate language differences. In C Simon (Ed.), Communication skills and classroom success: Therapy methodologies for language-learning disabled students (pp. 69-85). San Diego, CA: College Hill Press.

Text (and cognitive) Structures

Estelle Brettenny’s Recommendations:

  1. Dymock, S. (2005). Teaching expository text structure awareness. The Reading Teacher, 59(2). Retrieved from
  2. Myer, B.J.F., Ray, N.R. (2011). Structure strategy interventions: Increasing reading comprehension of expository text. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 4(1), 127 152. Retrieved from:
  3. Teach Readers to Discern Text Structure. (2014). Retrieved from
  4. Roehling, J.V., Hebert, M., Nelson, J.R. and Bohaty. J.J. (2017). Text Structure Strategies for Improving Expository Reading Comprehension. The Reading Teacher, 71 (1). Retrieved from
  5. Wahlstrom, D. (2012). Text Structures for Different Types of Writing. Retrieved from
  6. Wijekumar, K, Andrea L. Beerwinkle, A.L. Implementing the Text Structure Strategy in Your Classroom. Retrieved from
  7. Williams, J.P. (2017). Teaching Text Structure Improves Reading Comprehension. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
  8. Williams, J.P. (2018). Text Structure Instruction: The research is moving forward. Reading and Writing, 31: 1923-1935. Retrieved from
  9. Orcutt, K. 20 Strategies to Teach Text Structure. Retrieved from 

Ebooks and Digital Reading Platforms

Prof. Kathleen A. Roskos and Prof. Jeremy S. Brueck’s Recommendations:

  1. Roskos, K., Northrop, L., Brueck, J., Lenhart, L., & Evans, M. (2019). Descriptive Observations of Tool Functionality and Application for Assessing Digital Reading Program Quality. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. Retrieved from
  2. Brueck, J., Lenhart, L., & Roskos, K. (2019). Digital Reading Programs: Definitions, Analytic Tools and Practice Examples. In J.E. Kim & B. Hassinger-Das (eds.). Reading in the Digital Age: Young Children’s Experiences with E-books (pp. 135-156). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  3. Brueck, J., & Salem, J. (2017). Early evidence of the psychometric characteristics and usability of the e-book quality rating tool in the primary grades. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 18 (2). Retrieved from
  4. Roskos, K., Brueck J. & Lenhart, L (2017). An analysis of e-book learning platforms: Affordances, architecture, functionality and analytics. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. Retrieved from
  5. Roskos, K., & Brueck, J. (2016). Teaching Early Literacy with E-books: Emerging Practices. In Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Development (Technology in early childhood education). Retrieved from education/according-experts/teaching-early-literacy-e-books-emerging.
  6. Brueck, J., & Lenhart, L. (2015). Ebooks and TPACK: What teachers need to know. The Reading Teacher, 68(5). Retrieved from
  7. Roskos, K., Burstein, K., You, B., Brueck, J., & O’Brien, C. (2011). A formative study of an e-book instructional model in early literacy. Creative Education, 2(1). Retrieved from
  8. Roskos, K., Brueck, J., & Widman, S. (2009). Developing Analytic Tools for e-Book Design in Early Literacy Learning.  Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 8(3). Retrieved from
  9. Roskos, K., & Brueck, J. (2009). The eBook in an online world. In A. Bus & S.B. Neuman (Eds), Multimedia and literacy development. (pp77-88). New York: Taylor & Francis.