Free Membership


Every individual (e.g. parent, teacher, student practitioner, etc) who wishes to access online resources.


Submit online application form; provide biographical data.


  1. Free access to online resources;
  2. E-mail notifications;
  3. Information on cognitive training events.

Voting Rights


Membership Renewed Annually?


Cost p.a.


Premier Membership


Serious practitioners, educators and academics who wish to advance the field of cognitive education


  1. Submit an extensive online application form with Resumé;
  2. Membership considered by sub-committee (as appointed by IACE management committee). Key considerations:
  3. How will the applicant’s area of practice and/or academic work advance cognitive education? To what extent is application aligned with the vision, mission and values of IACE?
  4. Membership approved only through a confirmation letter from the management committee.


  1. All benefits available to free members;
  2. Discount (10%) for IACE conferences, symposiums and colloquiums;
  3. Discount (5%) for IACE training initiatives;
  4. Option to access IACEP membership (with additional cost), which includes access to the Journal for Cognitive Education and Psychology (JCEP);
  5. Voting rights.

Voting Rights

Yes, as per section 5.2 of the IACE Constitution

Membership Renewed Annually?


Cost p.a.

$25 (USD) p.a. (i.e. about R360 p.a.)

Additional $50 (USD) for IACEP membership.

Group Membership


Educational Institutions (e.g. schools, TVET Colleges, etc) that wish to uphold and advance cognitive education in their praxis.


  1. Submit an extensive online application form;
  2. Membership considered by sub-committee (as appointed by IACE management committee). Key considerations: To what extent is application aligned with the vision, mission and values of IACE? To what extent is the applicant able to pay the annual membership fee; i.e. how much discount will be granted (if applied for discount)?
  3. Membership approved only through confirmation letter from management committee;
  4. Candidates for three Premier Member positions subject to the application and approval process applicable for Premier Members.


  1. All benefits available to free members;
  2. Three Premier Member positions. Individuals who are nominated by educational institutions for Premier Membership are still subject to the IACE application process and approval;
  3. Group members (e.g. functioning in low socio-economic communities) may apply for a discount on group membership fees. The merit of such applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis;
  4. Option to display name/brand on IACE website.

Voting Rights

Yes (only three Premier Members)

Membership Renewed Annually?


Cost p.a.

$150 USD p.a. (i.e. about R2150 p.a.):

Application for a discount available, depending on the socio-economic status of the school community.

Corporate Membership


A corporate member is a company, institution or group of individuals (numbering more than five) who supports the objectives of the organisation and contributes financially to IACE to further its work.


  1. Submit an extensive online application form with company profile;
  2. Membership considered by sub-committee (as appointed by IACE management committee). Key considerations: How will the applicant’s area of practice/business advance cognitive education? To what extent is application aligned with the vision, mission and values of IACE?
  3. Membership approved only through confirmation letter from management committee;
  4. Candidates for three Premier Member positions subject to the application the approval process applicable for Premier Members.


  1. All benefits available to free members;
  2. Three Premier Member positions. Individuals who are nominated by educational institutions for Premier Membership are still subject to the IACE application process and approval;
  3. Option to display name/brand on IACE website.

Voting Rights

Yes (only three Premier Members)

Membership Renewed Annually?


Cost p.a.

$350 USD p.a. (i.e. about R5000 p.a.)

Honorary Membership


The management committee may bestow honorary membership on a person for strategic reasons, or in recognition of his or her contribution to the organisation and the field of cognitive education.


No individual can apply for honorary membership. Honorary membership is exclusively bestowed by the management committee. To this effect, the management committee will send an invitation letter to the specific individual. Individuals must accept honorary membership in writing.


  1. All benefits available to free members;
  2. Discount (10%) for IACE conferences, symposiums and colloquiums;
  3. Discount (5%) for IACE training initiatives;
  4. Option to access IACEP membership (with additional cost), which includes access to the Journal for Cognitive Education and Psychology (JCEP);
  5. Voting rights.

Voting Rights

Yes, as per section 5.2 of the IACE Constitution

Membership Renewed Annually?


Cost p.a.

None, except if individuals wish to access IACEP membership.

The cost for IACEP membership is $50 (USD